The Attorney-General's Department provides legal and justice services for the South Australian Government and community in line with the Legal Assistance Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2025.

Legal Assistance Strategy and Action Plan

South Australia's Legal Assistance Strategy and Action Plan 2022-2025 (PDF, 8.0 MB) outlines the government's commitment to assist vulnerable people facing disadvantage who are unable to afford private legal services and access and engage effectively with legal solutions and the justice system to address their legal problems.

The Strategy and Action Plan:

  • sets out the structure of the legal assistance sector in South Australia
  • identifies legal need based on priority client groups
  • sets out the key priorities for future service provision across the state.

The Strategy and Action Plan was developed in consultation with South Australia's legal assistance sector. The government looks forward to continuing to work with the sector to support implementation of the actions to ensure an efficient and effective legal assistance sector in South Australia.

Legal aid and advice

People can access legal information without cost at the Legal Services Commission of South Australia (The Commission).

Free legal advice – Legal Services Commission of South Australia

A free 24 hour service is also available and covers more than 60 common legal areas.

Visit 24Legal now

Legal aid

The commission provides legal aid if people need specific legal advice and are unable to afford private legal representation. People requesting legal aid will need to apply and it is granted based on their circumstances, including how much they earn and what they own.

Legal costs are determined by what a person can reasonably afford to be pay.

Legal aid – Legal Services Commission of South Australia

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander legal services

The Aboriginal Legal Rights Movement (ALRM) provides culturally appropriate and accessible legal assistance services to Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in South Australia.

ALRM specialises in criminal, civil, family law and child protection matters by providing advocacy, advice, representation and legal education services.

Community legal centres

Community legal centres provide legal assistance from community sites in rural and metropolitan locations across South Australia. Centres can offer general and specialist legal services including:

  • advice
  • representation
  • legal education.

Find a community legal centre