Community attitudes support equality, inclusion and participation in society for people with disability.

Our actions under Outcome Area 7

Action 7.1

(Original Action 2.1)
Include people with disability and / or disability advocates and peak bodies in the development, implementation and review of relevant policies, programs and initiatives. This includes, where relevant, people with disability who face additional barriers as members of other diverse groups including women, children and young people, Aboriginal people and people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

All business units are responsible for this action.

This action is ongoing.


People with disability and / or disability advocates are engaged to inform the development, implementation and review of relevant policies, programs and initiatives, including the use of co-design where appropriate.

Actively engage people with disability during the refit of new office accommodation (previously Action 2.4).

AGD Diversity webpage for staff promotes and facilitates engagement through the inclusion of contact information for disability advocates and support groups.